Sunday 28 October 2018

what is different between lin and URL

Working with links and urls 

In  Hyper text markup language , hypertext refers to a point of references for detailed text on the web  same or different web pages, Genarelly  a hyperlink in an understand word phases or can also be an image ican that contineu web pages address of a web page , The address to provide in the hyperlink in the form of the url (unison reserch locator ) , which is unique address alloted to every web page qith the help URLS you can navigate specifics web page ,Hyperlink also allow to access the mall system of user computer , For instance most if the websites provides an e-mail address to users contant websites administrator or  to send any query , suggestion and comments regaring the respective websites ,  This mail address is provided on a web pages in the form of hyperlink , when a user selects that hyperlinks a new mail address is proviede on a web page in the form of hyperlink when users selects that hyperlinksa new mail message window and send it to that  it that e-mail address , Moreover you can also access various news groups or blogs the internet with the help of hyperlink by provideing the URL or anews group and blog,

Friday 26 October 2018

Organizing Text in HTML

Using the Div element 






<Div style="background-color: RED ; text-alig:  center">



<DIV style="border; 2px solid black ">

<p><b> Navigation </b></p>





As already stated, the DIV element dividees a web page into different  sections , HTML uses the style attribute of the DIV element for overlapping same text at a  specifix locations in this divisition , you can also use the LAYER, element for attaining the same effect however; note that the LAYER element only work s in the Netscape Navigation browser , The DIV element  work  in both Netscape Navigation and internet exploer (IE),



<TITLE> Position </TITLE>



<DIV id='abc' style="z-index:2; position  relative ; right: opx; top:10px;
background-color:#cccc33; width: 180px; pandding: 10px;  color: white: html  page </DIV>



Figure; displaying position to text using the style attribute 

Let's  now learn how to the SPAN   element 

Using the SPAN element 

The span element is use to   change the format of a specific part of the text , Let's create a web page name span.html 


<TITLE> span </TITLE>




Use <Span style="color: orange;> The span element </span> for formatting 

<SPAN style="color:blue"> inline content </SPAN>





Using the TABLE element , you can display the content of a web  page in the the tabular format , Let's create web page ,







<TH Colspan=2>   <h1> PAN CARD DETAILS </H1> </TH>

<th><h2> Name</h2>

<Tr align=center>

<td> 1</td>

<tr align=center>
<td> Max</td>

<tr align=center>
<td> 3</td>

<tr align=center>
<td> Parshant </td>

<TR align=center>
<td> Shakshi </td>




Creating this RUBY (captioned) Text 

Let's   how to create Ruby web page

<!DOCTYPE html>



  HTML <RT> Hyper text markup language >/RT>











<P> Follow are the steps to save a file </p>
<UL> <li>1 press the ctrl+s</li>
<li> Enter  the name of file dilog box </li>
<li>click the save button </li>



Nested list 




<title> Nested list </title>


<body bgcolor="blue">


<li> how to make Tea ;


<li>Boil waterbtakes 3/4 cup to every cup yu want to make ;

 now add tea powder according to number of cups , you can take one teaspon per cup;
<li> Now add suger as per your taste
<li> Bring the mixture to aboll ;
<li> sleve and pour in cup ;
<li> add warm milk for milk tea ;
<li> How to make web page ;
<li> ope notepad type code web page ;
<li> save as file web pagage.html;
<li<run internet exploer ;;




Tuesday 23 October 2018

HTML (Hyper text markup language )

Learn html programming language 

Hyper text markup language  provides of number of element  such as, HEAD and body  to define the structure the appearnce of a by defult  the html document are stored in the plan text format , which means it does not contain any type of  formating to formaat   text an a html  document you need to the various kind of Html element , Formating hte text not only enhane the vasual appearance of the content of the format document is  represent organized manner which allow the readers , 

Formating text with html elements 
Htnl provides the set element to change the appearance of the text by applying various formating features , such as solid bold italic, subscript , and superscript  , This element are use with starting and ending tags  Example:-
<i> example of italic</i>

this tag is called italic 
Html formating elements use grouped into two catagories 
  • Physical side
  • Logical side 
Formating with html physical style element 
 Html use physical style elemnt to change the appearance of text. if you want to text appear in a particular style . such as Bold Italic , You most use physical style elemnts ,
 for example-

element html

Physical style element 
  • The B element 
  • The i element 
  • The small element 
  • The sub element 
  • The sup element 
Logic Element 
  The various  types of logical element avilable here  in HTML5,

  • ABBR
  • CODE
  • SAMP
  • KDB
  • EM
  • DFN
  • Q
  • INS
  • DEL
  • VER
  • BDO
  • Id 
  • lang
  • style
  • title
Compoment of the datetime value attribute 
  • yyyy
  • mm
  • dd
  • t
  • hh
  • mm
  • ss
  • TZD

Definging the MARK element 
  • class
  • id
  • style
  • title

Immediate Solutionts 

Displaying plan text

   i say codeing is very easy , but  you  are understand  concept , because concept  clear is  very  need ,without clear concept not understand   easily codeing,   codeing  learn easy witout  concepts  clear but i promiise  , you are not   grought this enviroment , 
so main focuse  learn and consept  clear, Then  your    develop  is as like fast and faster, 
  you have any not issues, 
Thank you! 
Best of luck !!!!


<!--This is comment -->


<Title>  programming language </title>


 This is my first web page






Html document </TITLE>


Here you are displaying the plan text in html document , as you can see  u have not use any element  this code organized this text


Tiyile Tag 

 The only thing  you have to concern  yourself with in the head tog (for now)   is the Title  Tag




see this figure  title show is  program  , which  we are take title 


If you have a  head , you need to body ,All content to be displayedon the web page has to be written with in body tag , so whether text heasing text textbox checkbox or any possible , content everthing to be displayed must be kept within the BODY tag show code and figure, below,




<BODY    BGCOLOR="#1234567" TEXT="#FF0000">




The BODY  tag has following attributes,
  • BGCOLOR- It has change backgroun color  web page ,
  • BACKGROUND-It is use for specific the image to be displayedin the background of the page 
  • LINK- it indicates the color of the hyperlinks , which have to not have been visited or clicked on 
  • ALINK- it indicate color  active hyperlink , An active link is the one on which the mouse button is pressed, 
  • VLINK-it indicates the color of the hyperlink after the mouse is clicked on the it 
  • TEXT-it is used for specifying the color of the text displayed on the page ,

  Heading tag 

Hearders are used to specify the heading or sub - section in a document ,  Depending on the desired size  of the text  any  of six avilable here (<H1> TO <H6>)  OF headers can be used




<H1> Header level 1<H1>

<H2> Header level 2 </H2>

<H3> Header level 3 </H3>

<H4> Header level4</h4>

<H5> Header level </H5>

<H6> Header level </H6>



 Working the section element 



<title> section element </title>







<H1> Navigation</H1>


<li> link</li>





Displing asid and article






<ASIDE style="float:right;width:200px;">

<p> you can also learn about the section element by navigating to this <A href://" > link</A>




<h1> Title of the article </h1>

<a href//"> link</a>


<p> this content is define articale element </p>




Displaying Bold tex



<title> using the b element </title>



 Here this is the <b> bold element </b> text,



 Displaying Italic Text

<!Doctype >


<title> Using italic element </tilte>



 Here using the I element <i> italic text </i>



 Displaing strong element 



<title> using strong element </title>






Displaing small element


<title> small elemnt using </title>



 Here use to <small> small text </small>



Displaying sbscript element 



<title> using sbscript element </title>



 Here Diisplay <sub>  subscript </sub>  text </body>


Displaying  supscript element 


<title> using supscript element </title>



Here using <sup> script element </sup>



Which language use for web development

model viewer controller

Exploring ASP.NET build microsoft .net framework various ofers web application development models , There 
  • Web form 
  • Model view controller 
  • web page 
The implementation of mvc 

Features of 
  • Routing :- Mvc has provide routing ssysterm 
  • Scaffolding:- MVC provide a scaffolding feature that provides a quick way to geberate the code for commanoly used operations in a standardized way,
  • Convention -over-configuration:--Whic is a software design pradigram that aims at reducing od decions taken by developers 
  • Bunding and minification :ITS provide by  mvc allow you to combine multiple file sch as css/ javascript  in to single file bunding improve the request load time by reducing number of request server ,

Key benefit provide by 

ASP,NET MVC helps in developing in a losely coupled manner, which means that different compoments of an MVC application depend on each other to the least extent practcable.

Liming interconnaction between these compoments helps in isolaing problem , which provide the  following benefits 

  • Separation of concerns :- lose copling independent software compoments,
  • simplifed testin and maintance :- You can text  each conponent separately to ensure thata it is working accounding to the requirements 
  • Extensibilty - The mvc model consists of a series of independent component , this compoment can be easily replaced or cotomized depending upon the requirements 
Structur of an mvc project 
  • App_data
  • content
  • controller
  • models
  • scripts
  • views
Adding the folder list in the depending mvc 
Ends with .cshtml,
Ends with .cs 

The following configuration files,

  • Machine congf
  • machine web . config 
  • Root web config 
  •  Application  web config 

File name
  • Machine .config 
  • Web.config
  • web.config 
  • web.config 

Passing parameters in comtroller actions 

Web page

Web page :- web page is web document whic accessed the data web brower,

Here two type of web form 

  1. Static  web page 
  2. Dynamic  web page 
Dynamic web page creating 
Client side scripting 
server side scripting 

Monday 22 October 2018

Defing web application

Web application are programe that are executed on a web server and accessd from web  browser . These application enable organization to share and access information information on the internet and corporate intrancts , This information can be accessed from anywhere anytime . In addtion ,Web application can support online commercial trancations , populary know as e-comerse , All online store accessed through a web browser is an example of a web application , 

In the the preceding figure a client sends request for a resourse . such as a web page or a video . on the internet .  The web server interprets the client request and determine the type of resourse requested by the client . If the required resourse is found. the web server sends resourse to the client . otherwise a error message is sent to the client ,

The three Layers of a web application 
All application can be broken into three layers its owns compoments and functionally , The following figure,

The Layer of web application .

An displaed in the preceding figure. an application has the following three layers 
  • Presentation layer:-  Consists of the  interface through which the users interact with the application ,
  • Business Layers :- Consists of the components of the application that control the flow of 
  • execution and communication between the presentation layer and the data layer ,
  • Data Layer:-Consists of components that expose the application data stored application data stored in database to the logic layer, 
Architechure of a web application 

The architechure of web application  is the manner in which layers  are distrubuted and the way in which  they communicate with each other, Most application are built by using all the three layers,

An Application can have one of the following type of architecture 

  • Single-tier architecture 
  • Two-tier   architecture 
  • Three-tier architecture
  • N-tier architecture 

Single -tier  architecture :-
In an application based on single -tier architecture ,all the three layers are intergerd together an can be installed on a single-tier computer . If the application needs to be accessed on multiple computers a separte instatlation is rrequired on each computer . For Example Adobe photoshope that is used creadted to and edit graphics is standards based on the single-tier archtitecture . 
The following figure displays the single-tier architecture 

Two Tier Architecture :-
Ina an application based on   two tier architecture , the three alyerrs are  distrubuted overr two tiers a client and a server. The Presebtation layer resides on each client computer , the business logic layer resides either on the client or on the server, and the data access layer resides on the server .
Depending on the businee requirements , an organization can have the following types of two tier application architecture,
  • Fat client and thin client - The aarchitecture in which hte business logic  resides on the client is know as the  fat client and thin client  server architecture , Intthis architecture the clients accepts user requests and processess the request on its own. The client communiate with the server only when the data for communication or archival needs to be sent to the server 
  • Fat server and Thin client - The architecture in which the business logic layer resides on the server is know as the fat server and thin client  architecture , in this architecture . the client accepts from te users and forwards the same to the serverr . Futher , the server processes these requests and provides responses. 
Three-tier architecture 

 in an application based on three tier architecture , the three layers of the application are placed separaley as three different entites , The architecture is used o for those application in which meeting the business logic layer of the presentation layer of the data layer may degrade the performance of the application . To improve the application performance . the three layers are kept separley and communication among the layers with the help of a request -response mechanism, 

Developing web application


Web application hve revolutions enable organization to share and access information anywhere , anytime . This has mojarly moved the focus information development from desktop application to web application s. Today one of the most seerver side technoliges use fof developing web applications is ASP.NET

Figure web development 

First code web development 

public class Homecontroller :controller
public string index()
return " Hello form Home.index()";

in  this precedind code snippet, an action method .index() is created in the homecontroller controller class . Hrre return type of the index () action method is string instead of the ActionReturn , when a use invoke the proceding index()
action method using url,httplocalhost  , the index action method sends the string hello from home . index to the browser 

code Hello from home .index()

apps image

web application

web design

every three language should be know 

welcome to web development

 Web to web development   page

 web developer is est principle of codeing siftware
Ther are four  type of developer 

  • Font-end
  • Back -end 
  • stock-end 
  • Full stock 

web student form