Tuesday 23 October 2018

model viewer controller

Exploring ASP.NET 
Asp.net build microsoft .net framework 

Asp.net various ofers web application development models , There 
  • Web form 
  • Model view controller 
  • web page 
The Asp.net implementation of mvc 

Features of Asp.net 
  • Routing :- Mvc has provide routing ssysterm 
  • Scaffolding:- MVC provide a scaffolding feature that provides a quick way to geberate the code for commanoly used operations in a standardized way,
  • Convention -over-configuration:--Whic is a software design pradigram that aims at reducing od decions taken by developers 
  • Bunding and minification :ITS provide by asp.net  mvc allow you to combine multiple file sch as css/ javascript  in to single file bunding improve the request load time by reducing number of request server ,

Key benefit provide by Asp.net 

ASP,NET MVC helps in developing in a losely coupled manner, which means that different compoments of an MVC application depend on each other to the least extent practcable.

Liming interconnaction between these compoments helps in isolaing problem , which provide the  following benefits 

  • Separation of concerns :- lose copling independent software compoments,
  • simplifed testin and maintance :- You can text  each conponent separately to ensure thata it is working accounding to the requirements 
  • Extensibilty - The mvc model consists of a series of independent component , this compoment can be easily replaced or cotomized depending upon the requirements 
Structur of an asp.net mvc project 
  • App_data
  • content
  • controller
  • models
  • scripts
  • views
Adding the folder list in the depending mvc 
Ends with .cshtml,
Ends with .cs 

The following configuration files,

  • Machine congf
  • machine web . config 
  • Root web config 
  •  Application  web config 

File name
  • Machine .config 
  • Web.config
  • web.config 
  • web.config 

Passing parameters in comtroller actions 

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