Sunday 28 October 2018

what is different between lin and URL

Working with links and urls 

In  Hyper text markup language , hypertext refers to a point of references for detailed text on the web  same or different web pages, Genarelly  a hyperlink in an understand word phases or can also be an image ican that contineu web pages address of a web page , The address to provide in the hyperlink in the form of the url (unison reserch locator ) , which is unique address alloted to every web page qith the help URLS you can navigate specifics web page ,Hyperlink also allow to access the mall system of user computer , For instance most if the websites provides an e-mail address to users contant websites administrator or  to send any query , suggestion and comments regaring the respective websites ,  This mail address is provided on a web pages in the form of hyperlink , when a user selects that hyperlinks a new mail address is proviede on a web page in the form of hyperlink when users selects that hyperlinksa new mail message window and send it to that  it that e-mail address , Moreover you can also access various news groups or blogs the internet with the help of hyperlink by provideing the URL or anews group and blog,


A hyperlink interconnects the current web page, with the web page aviable on the internet, In HTML you can create a hyperlink by using the anchor  element , The hyperlink redircts the user to another HTML  page image or file The elements users the href attitube to specify the target resource or document that you want to open when the user click the hyperlink , The learn href stands for Hyperlink reference , The hef attribute sets the URL of the target resourse , You can undrstand the concept hyperlink in a better way by edploring the target an id attribute

The Targe attribute 

 The a element users the target attribute to specify a window where you want to open a document when a hyperlink is clicked

Value of target

  • _blank
  • _self
  • _parent
  • _top
  • _framename
The id attribute

The  a element users the id attribute to create a tragment identify within a document , A fregment identify specifics a particular locations within document , you can navigate differents locations , 

foe example <a id="top"></a> 

Exploring the URL

A  URL refers to a unique address that attribute each web page on the world wide web , A comman way to access a websites is to enter in the address bar of a web browser , The url of a websites enable you to awebsites enable you to access to files, such as image file and programe files within the websites  some of the html element , 
Url can containt file name or an internet protocal (ip) address such as The most comman than IP addresses URL consists of three parts 

  1. Protocal
  2. Domain name
  3. Path name 
Schemes and access points

  • Files ftp-refer to file on the ftp server,
  • http-refer to file on the world wide web,
  • gopher 
  • mail to
  • news
  • telent
  • wals,
Link  Relation 

HTML Provides the LINK element to link web page with an external resourse or document , such as a css cascading style sheet file or Extensible markup language file 

<LINK rel="stylesheet" href="mystykesheet.css">

stylesheet value of other

  • attribute
  • actives
  • author
  • bookmark
  • external
  • feed
  • first, next, previous, last,
  • help
  • icon
  • index
  • license
  • nofollow
  • pingback
  • prefetch
  • search
  • sidebar
  • start
  • stylesheet
  • tag
  • uo

imadediate solutions

Creating  hyperlink




<TITLE>Creating a hyperlink </TITLE>


<h1> This is the first web page </h1>
<a href="refpage.html> refer page </a>



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