Sunday 23 December 2018

The Memory System

Q, What is memory hirerarchy?  Explain in terms of access  time and cost per bit ?

Ans,- A memory systerm is a very simple system yet it exhibites a winde range of technology and type , The basic objective of a memory system is to increase the speed of compution , Likewise the basic objectives of a memory system is to provided fast uninterrupted access by the processor to the memory , Such that the processor can operate at the  speed it's expexted to work , But does kind of technology where there is no speed gap beteen processor and memory speed exits ? The answer is yes they do , but unfortunately as the access time (time taken by cpu to access a location in memory) becomes less and less the cost per bit of memory becomes increasingly higher , in additions , normally these things memories requires power supply till the information need to stred . Both these things are not very convenient but on the other hand the memory of other smaller cost have  very high access time, which will result in slower operation of the cpu . Thus the cost of vs access time a normally has lead to hierachy of memory where we supplement fast memories with larger cheaper slower memories , These memory units may have very different physical and operational charecteristics therefore, making the memory system very divers in type cost, orgation technology and performance , This memory hierachy will work only if the frequency of access to the slower memories are significantly less than the faster memories --


RAM - Ramdam access memory , It sis memory information storage in computer  That is store to running program and data for the program , Data can be ram read and written quickly in any order ,Normally ram form of computer chip,

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