Saturday 17 November 2018

# Detais and summary html5 code

 Details and summary codes 




<title> detais and summary </title>



<h1> Using the details and summary element </h1>


<summary>  details and summary element  are newly introducted in the html5 </summary>




Before  click figure 

after click figure 

                                                                     see change  symbol ,

 Using the command element 

<!doctype html>


< h1> using the command element </h1>

<command onclick ="alert('hello world')"> click here</command>



(showing the message box)

<!Doctype html>



<h1> using the command element </h1>


<L1> <command type="radio" radigroup="bgcolor" onclick ="document =.bgcolor=' lightgreen' > light green </command> </L1>




  Previous page 👉Codeing websites: What does interactive elements means: What is interactive element  ....? Interactivity is the process of information on web page  and allows the user to communicates with that...

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