Friday 16 November 2018

What does interactive elements means

What is interactive element  ....?

Interactivity is the process of information on web page  and allows the user to communicates with that web page , An interactive element  ,  web page allows a user to easily perform the tasked related to the content  of the web page, such as retireving the details of an article or executing commands using radio buttons or check boxes , You can display the content on web page by using different web page , Provided by Hypertext mark up language such as Details summary menu , and kbd

The details of summary element 

The DETAILS  element is used to display the addtional details about a document such as , Publishing date  of the document or the name of the other, , Where as the summary element or the used provided the summary element  to create the header that can expend

<summary> This section contains the summary of the document , </SUmmary>

                                                                 see in the figure

The menu element 

The menu element  is used to display  a list of menu items of the of the list ,

The Attributes of the MENU  Element 

Attribute                       Description 
    Label                        Specifices a lebel of the  menu, which is visible on the web page,
 Type                             Defines the type of the menu such as context menu  toolbar or list (details)

Followin is the an example of using the MENU element

<L1> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO"  />> Ferrari</l1>
<l2> <input type="radio" /><maruti</l2>

                                                             See display menu items

The COMMAND element 

The command element is introduce in html5 and is used to define the command button such as - radio button  chech box, or button ,  you can use the command element in conjuction with the MENU element ,

The attribute of the command element 
 Attribute                          desciptions
checked                              Define the selection of the command in case of radio button and checkbox 
disabled                             Disable the command    
 icon                                      Specific the location of the graphical image that representing the command ,



 THE KBD element 

 The kbd  element  is used to display the keyboard input text in a web page . The element can also be used to identify the other inputs such as voice commands , When you use the kbs element ,

The time element 
Its define the date and time ,

  • Datetime
  • pubdate 

👉   previous page-Codeing websites: How to easy create a Form with Multiple steps:  Working with form   Main focus on this  Creating a form Working with the input element Using with the SELECT and OPTION element Us...

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