Sunday 25 November 2018

What is menu element code

<!Doctype html>



<title> Using the menu element </title>



<h1> Uing the  menu element </h1>

<Menu type="Toolbar"> >

<L1> <Menu  label="New">

<Button type="button"> Open</button>
<Button type="Button" > Save </button>



<Menu label=Edit">
<Button type="Button"> Undo </button>

<Button type=" Button" > Redo</Button>



Saturday 17 November 2018

# Detais and summary html5 code

 Details and summary codes 




<title> detais and summary </title>



<h1> Using the details and summary element </h1>


<summary>  details and summary element  are newly introducted in the html5 </summary>




Before  click figure 

after click figure 

                                                                     see change  symbol ,

 Using the command element 

<!doctype html>


< h1> using the command element </h1>

<command onclick ="alert('hello world')"> click here</command>



(showing the message box)

<!Doctype html>



<h1> using the command element </h1>


<L1> <command type="radio" radigroup="bgcolor" onclick ="document =.bgcolor=' lightgreen' > light green </command> </L1>




Friday 16 November 2018

What does interactive elements means

What is interactive element  ....?

Interactivity is the process of information on web page  and allows the user to communicates with that web page , An interactive element  ,  web page allows a user to easily perform the tasked related to the content  of the web page, such as retireving the details of an article or executing commands using radio buttons or check boxes , You can display the content on web page by using different web page , Provided by Hypertext mark up language such as Details summary menu , and kbd

The details of summary element 

The DETAILS  element is used to display the addtional details about a document such as , Publishing date  of the document or the name of the other, , Where as the summary element or the used provided the summary element  to create the header that can expend

<summary> This section contains the summary of the document , </SUmmary>

                                                                 see in the figure

The menu element 

The menu element  is used to display  a list of menu items of the of the list ,

The Attributes of the MENU  Element 

Attribute                       Description 
    Label                        Specifices a lebel of the  menu, which is visible on the web page,
 Type                             Defines the type of the menu such as context menu  toolbar or list (details)

Followin is the an example of using the MENU element

<L1> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO"  />> Ferrari</l1>
<l2> <input type="radio" /><maruti</l2>

                                                             See display menu items

The COMMAND element 

The command element is introduce in html5 and is used to define the command button such as - radio button  chech box, or button ,  you can use the command element in conjuction with the MENU element ,

The attribute of the command element 
 Attribute                          desciptions
checked                              Define the selection of the command in case of radio button and checkbox 
disabled                             Disable the command    
 icon                                      Specific the location of the graphical image that representing the command ,


Thursday 1 November 2018

How to easy create a Form with Multiple steps

 Working with form 

 Main focus on this 

  • Creating a form
  • Working with the input element
  • Using with the SELECT and OPTION element
  • Using the OPTGROUP element
  • Working with thw Textarea element
  • Using the FIELDSET AND LEGEND element
  • Using with the BUtton element
  • Using with the Datalist element
  • using with the Keygen element
  • Using with the output element
  • using with the PROGRESS element
  • using with the Meter element 
  • Using with the enctype action and method attributes 

      IN DEPATH 

At times ,  you need to develop websites that requires users interaction , For example , you need to develop a  railway websites that allows uswers to check the arrival department status on the   internet , This website user a registration and log in form  to collect the user information that submits the information to server for futher processing , These type of form pfovide the medium of interaction between a websites and its users on the internet , A form is a are of a web page 
that allowsthe users to provides the information in a varitey of the way ,

Exploring of the input element element 
 A form is the composed control s, such as text box, drop down list and check box radio button and enable users  to enter the information , you can create by using the INPUT ELEMENT  To do this , u need to set type of this INPUT ELEMENT 

  • test and serach
  • tel
  • url
  • email
  • password
  • datetime-local
  • datetime, date, month, year, day , week time 
  • number and range
  • file
  • hidden
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • submit
  • reset
Let's  start ou discussion with the text and search type .,

Displaying the text and search type 

here in include rectangle text box that facilites a userto enter information , It is used to collect single line information , 

Creating a form 

Create using the form  element a web page  

<1doctype html>



<title> Form</Title>



start of form <FORM>


Ending form 



                                                   see in  figure display on  form start and end 

Working with the input element 

<!Doctype html>



<title> Input </title>




Enter your name <input>





                                                    display web page on form input textarea ,

Using the input element , You can add the following field on a forms,

  • Text field
  • Password field
  • Hidden field
  • Checkbox field
  • Radio button
  • Submit button firld
  • Reset button field 
Now let's start to  create all the these field on a web page,

Working with the text field 
  start text code in html form 








Enter your username :<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Username">




Display output  usename form 

Using the tex value code 

  • size
  • maxlength
  • vale

Tye code here  value text amd size 


<TITLE> text value </TITLE>



Enter your two digit code number:<input ype="text" name="username" size="2" maxlength="2" value="00">




Output  HeRe  WEB PAGE FORM 

                                                    Display the value text and size 

Working with field password 

  start code very easy  to  learn and type  and create password  (ek najar dekh lo easily set ho jaega mind m )

<!doctype html>

<title> password </title>



Password:<Input yype="password">




  ready  password code now see output on web page ,

                                                                  Display hese,

How to creaate password size code

see here very simple code type







Enter pasword:<input ype="password" name="pw" size="10">



Out put on web  page

                                                                                 Looking picture


Same code different some and add  maxlength






Enter your password:<input  type="password" name="pw" size="10" maxlength ="4">



So guy's looking here password output ,

                                                               Web form pw

Now start how to make a value of password 

 simple and easy value password code ,( cool mind and see)

<!Doctype html>



<title> value of password </title>




Enter password: <input type="password" name="pw" size="10" maxlength="5" value="dreamtech">



 Ready  output  web page form value of password ,

                                                                               Display output 

Hidden field  code type show below:

<!Doctype html>



<title> hidden field</title>




 User name :<input id ="name="text"  /> <br>
<input type="hidden" id="country" value="india"><br>
<input type="submit"  onclick="alert('Hellow '+
document.getelementById('name'),value +'from'+
document.getelementById('country').value)" value="submit">




 results here in picture

                                                                      hidden  name submit

 Create web page and show out then input name and submit , your name is hidden and show click text box,

Creating a check box field 

Check boxees allows you to select one or more number of iteems from the list of items , you can add the checkboxes field on the web page , by specify the type attribute INPUT element to checkbox 

Show the checkbox code 




<TITLE> checkbox </TITLE>




Select one o the three choices :</br>

<INPUT type="checkbox" name="option1" value="india" > India  </BR>
<input  type="checkbox"  name="option2"   value="Pakistan"> Pakistan </br>
<input type="checkbox" name= "option3" value="China"> China </br>
<input type="checkbox" name="option4"  value="singapur"> Singapur</br>



                                                             se display on picture checkbox

Creating  a radio button 

, its creating radio button  , use tis button  in form select gender male nad femel and other , and  option  select ,  on web page




<TITLE> checkbox </TITLE>




Select one o the three choices :</br>

<input type="radio" name="group1" value="mobile"> mobile</br>
<input type="radio" name="group2" value="smart mobile"> smart mobile</br>
<input type="radio" name= "group3"  value="laptop" > laptop </br>
<input type="radio" name="group4" value="mouse"> mouse</br>



                                                     see display readio button on form

Creating a submit button field 

The submit button use to submit detail s entered in a form to the server ,Let's create a web page ,




<TITLE> checkbox </TITLE>




Username:<input type="test"  name="username" value="dreatech"> </br>
Password:<input type="password"  name="password" value="kogent"> </br>
<input type="submit" name="submit"  value="click1"></br>  



  Output :

Creating reset butto and include submit in form 

 Already disscuss about submit button so  reset button  clear data and input new username and password , this called reset




<TITLE> checkbox </TITLE>




Username:<input type="test"  name="username" value="dreatech"> </br>
Password:<input type="password"  name="password" value="kogent"> </br>
<input type="submit" name="submit"  value="click1"></br>
<input type="reset " name="reset"  value="reset"> </br>




  Nnw disscuss here option value work select any other option as like you have ten  things if  you want to selec one  then use option ,




Select anyone fruites </br>

<OPTION value="mango" >Mango</option>
<option value="banana"> banana </option>
<option value="apple"> apple</option>
</option value="orange"> orange</option>


                                                                         see on figure ,

Select option  body color 

  add one code
(<body bgcolor="yellow">)

There add one code change form background color , very easy option and select coede ,

<BODY bgcolor="yellow">
Select anyone fruites </br>

<OPTION value="mango" >Mango</option>
<option value="banana"> banana </option>
<option value="apple"> apple</option>
</option value="orange"> orange</option>


                                                                  see output on picture


Aligement change  this option elemnt add aligement code <center, left, right>

<FORM align="center">
Select anyone fruites </br>

<OPTION value="mango" >Mango</option>
<option value="banana"> banana </option>
<option value="apple"> apple</option>
</option value="orange"> orange</option>


                                                                       see display on form in  align

Option and select size 

Here code is  option element change size this element ,

<FORM align="center">
Select anyone fruites </br>
<SELECT size="10">

<OPTION value="mango" >Mango</option>
<option value="banana"> banana </option>
<option value="apple"> apple</option>
</option value="orange"> orange</option>


output this code

                                                    see on picture  option element

Using the option group element 

The OPTION GROUP element  is used to group the list of option and display in the deop down list
Let's create 

<FORM align="center">
Select anyone fruites </br>

<OPTGROUP level="Fruties">
<option value="orange"> orange</option>
<option value=" mango"> mango</option>
<option value="apple"> apple</option>
<option value="grapes ">grapes</ption>


                                                                               see output 

Working with the text area element 








 Enter the text here





                                                               OUTPUT textarea

Using the field set and legend element 

 Fileset elemnt group related control in a single box and the legend elements provide the caption for that box,,




<TITLE> Grouping </TITLE>







<input type="text" name="name" value ="Username"></br>
Password<input type="password">
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">





<TITLE>  Using the butto element </title>



<p> simple submit button </p>

<Button type="submit"> submit</button>


<p> Changing the font of the button </p>

<Button type="button" style="color:red;font-size:20px;">

<b> Submit</b>




Image button display  using back and font button 

The BUTTON element allows you to a display the image on the button control , let's create web page




<TITLE> Display image button </TITLE>



<p> Display image on button </p>

<Button type="Button">

<img src="back.png" width="50" height="50"/>


<button type="submit">

<img src="next.png" width="50" height="50">




 The button element back and next


  • Datalist
  • keygen element
  • outputelement
  • meter

Using the datalist  element 

 You can create a list  of predefined options in a field using the DATALIST
  Element  Let's create a web page




<TITLE> dATALIST </title>




<INPUT  type="text" name="favcar" list="car">

<datalist id="cars">

<option value="BLW">
<option value="porsche">
<option value="audi">
<ption value="ford">
<option value="Ferrari">
<option value="wercedes">




 display here output  on figure,

Keygen element  using 

The element keygen is need to generated the key pair at the  time of submiting the form, let's create web page




<title> keygen </title>



 <FORM action ="option.html" methodt="post" enctype="text/plain">

First name:<input type="text" name="name">


Last name:<input type="text" name="name"></br>

<KEYGEN name="key" challenge="09856413145" keytype="RSA">

<input type="submit" value="submit"/>




 Display her output

                                                           disply post page ,(option.html>

Using the progress element 

As alerdy disscuss about element ,  you can view the progress of your current task with the help of the PROGRESS.element




<title> progress element </title>


<body BGCOLOR="grey">

Current task</BR>

<PROGRESS value="200"  max="500">





  progress  element output on thist page

Using the meter element 




<title> METER ELEMENT  </title>



<Meter value="5" min="0" max="10" style="width:200px"> </METER> Passing score </br>

<METER value="10" min="1" max="20" style="width="300px"> </METER> your score</br>



 output in this figure meter element


The enctype attribute use the specify the format of the form's content at the time of submission ,






<FORM action="action.asp" method="get" enctype="text/plain">

Fiest name="<input type="text" name="frame"  />

Last name:<input type="text"  name="fname" />

<input type="submit" value="submit" />




output below in this picture :


  then add its code action form and method