Tuesday 22 January 2019

Garaphic User interface

What is garapic user inter face ?
-The learn user interface originated  in the engineering in the 1970s,
Virtually everyone who interacted with computer had been an engineer and a programmer , but new kind of user s wee  emering the non programming user, , These users often rected more negativity to dealing with a machine , New forms of interaction were needed new interface were required attenion flowed to "the user interface" 

with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984 , Apple computer popularised the users interface as it is know today, Apple's user interface is now commonly referred to as a Graphical user interface or gui , The gui has become associated with a common features set aviable in a number of product offering common features include , 

  • Secoundary userinterface , usually s pointing device and typically a mouse,
  • point and shoot functionallu with screen menu that appear or disappear under pointing device control,
  • Icons the present files directories and other application and system entities 
  • Dialog boxes buttons sliders check boxes and many other graphical metsphors that let the programmer and user tell the computer what to do and how to do it, 
Today's  GUIs have expanded basic functionalities to support not only graphics but also dimensions color height video and highly dynamic interaction  modern user interface can simulate a very realistic view of a real three dimensional world. 

Evolution of human and machine interaction 

-The primary means communcation with computers  carlier had been through command based interface , In command interface user have to learn to large command to get their jobs done, in earlier computer systempaper tapes cards and batch jobs were the primary means of communicating these commands to the computer user later time shareing system allowed to the use of CRT termminals to interat/communication with the computer . These early systems were havily burdened by users trying to share precious computer resources such as cpu and peripherals , The batch systems and time sharing led to command driven user interfaces Users had to memories commands and options or consult a large set of user manual , The carly mainframe and minicomputer sysems required a large set of interaction manuals to haw to use the system , In  some system s required a large set of instruction manuals of instruction , meaningful terms were used for command names to help the end user , But in other systems the user had to memories several sequences of keystrokes to accomplish certain tasks , 
Early users of computers were engineers and what we now call expert users, users who had a lot of internet in knowing more about computer system and the technology, Command line interfaces were acceptable to majority of these users, in the 1970s, computers were introduced to a new class of users, secrelaries , managers and non-technical people, These new users were less interested in learning computer technology and more interested in getting their jobs done through the machine, Thecommand -based interface caused many of these new users to develop computer phobia,

Monday 21 January 2019

Discuss various features of GUI

Following are the features of GUI 

Secoundary user input devices , usually a pointing device and typically a mouse,
point and shoot functionally with screen menus that appear or disappear under pointing device control,
windows that graphically display what the computer is doing ,
icons that represent files directes and other application and system entities,
Dialog boxes, button slides check boxes and many other graphical metaphores that let the proggramming and user tell the computer what to do and how to do it ,

What is the difference between bitmapped and character based display..?

-Bit-mapped display is made up tiny dots (pixel) that is an independent addressable and has much finer resolution that  character display .-bit-mapped display have the advantage over character display .one of the major advantages is of graphic capability....